Withiel Parish Council

Welcome to the new Withiel Parish Council Website

Due to weather conditions a decision has been made to cancel the Parish Council meeting due to be held tonight in the Withiel Village Hall. Meetings will resume again in February.
Please pass on to anyone you know who may be attending the meeting.
Thank You.
Chair of Meeting and Parish Clerk.
Withiel Parish Council

This is the Website of Withiel Parish Council https://withielparishcouncil.org.uk

The Parish Council Website enables the Council to fulfil its responsibilities to meet the Government’s Transparency Code.  The advantage for us, Withiel Parish Council, is that, as our turnover is less than less than £25,000, we do not need an external audit.  That does not avoid the need for a rigorous internal audit, which you see we publish online.

You will find in this website information relating to the governance responsibilities of Withiel Parish Council, it’s Chair and your Councillors.  This, in the main, concerns the Agendas and Minutes of meetings and associated documents and financial information as to how we spend your precept.  Information concerning other Village Institutions such as the Village Hall, the Women’s Institute, the Church and, not least, the electronic version of our Parish Magazine, “News and Views”,  are all contained in www.withiel.com.

Please let us know if you have any comments on this website which you think would improve it.  Contact details of Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk are on the Councillors page.